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Polyplan's Collaborative Solution Key Element of Polytechnique's New Virtual Enterprise Laboratory

Virtual Enterprise Laboratory to Revolutionize Engineering Education

MONTREAL, Canada, CLEVELAND, Ohio and MUNICH, Germany, December 15, 2003 -
Polyplan Technologies (Polyplan), the thought leader in collaborative Manufacturing Process Management™ (cMPM™), today announced that École Polytechnique de Montréal, a world-renowned engineering school, will use the Polyplan collaborative Manufacturing Process Management™ solution in its Virtual Enterprise Laboratory, a lab used for designing, prototyping and validating new products. This industry/university initiative is led by the Center for Aerospace Manpower Activities in Quebec (CAMAQ) and particularly by Bombardier Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney Canada and Bell Helicopter Textron. Once fully deployed, the solution will serve hundreds of students each year and be valued at more than $1 million.

"The Polyplan cMPM™ solution, which promotes collaboration between design and manufacturing engineers, is a key element of our Virtual Enterprise Laboratory," said Professor Ricardo Camarero, Director of the Mechanical Engineering Department of École Polytechnique de Montréal. "The Polyplan cMPM™ solution also gives our students a greater understanding of product development projects and shows them how manufacturing process management technology can simplify new product introductions and real-life business decision making. École Polytechnique is therefore very happy to partner with Polyplan, which will contribute to the success of our school and our students' careers."

The Virtual Enterprise Laboratory

The Virtual Enterprise Laboratory, which will revolutionize engineering education, uses technology from Dassault Systemes to define "what" should be produced, from SAP to define "when" to produce, and from Polyplan to define "how" a product should be produced - the "how" being at the heart of integrated product development.

More precisely, the Virtual Enterprise Laboratory includes a number of integrated software tools that allow specialists from diverse fields to cooperate on the same project, such as geometric modeling, digital simulation and analysis of structure, kinematics and manufacturability, definition of manufacturing strategies and process plans, as well as enterprise resources planning.

The benefits of a Virtual Enterprise Laboratory go beyond the initial design phase to simulate the useful life of a product or system, from the initial design through optimization, manufacturing, real-life service, maintenance and finally to the disposal or recycling of the product or system. The Virtual Enterprise Laboratory is becoming more and more the norm within large manufacturing companies and their sub-contractors.

SOURCE: Polyplan Technologies, Inc. Copyright© 2003 Polyplan Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.


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Published at 20:02

11 March 2011

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